The film is told from the perspective of Nick Carraway (Tobey Maguire), a would-be writer though working in New York's Wall Street. Taking a small cottage upstate he soon learns of the existence of Jay Gatsby, owner of the grand mansion adjacent to his cottage. Intrigued by the apparently eccentric and rarely-seen Gatsby, Carraway gradually becomes friend and confidant to the man, in the meantime being dragged deeper and deeper into Gatsby's world.
Despite Di Caprio acting everybody else off the screen it is wonderful to see Tobey Maguire back on screen. Not having been present on the big screen for a while the character of Nick Carraway is perfectly played out by him. The external narrator both inside and outside of the action (as Carraway himself describes it) Maguire brings him to life with great humility. Carey Mulligan is also ethereal as ever, giving her embodiment of Gatsby's unattainable love, Daisy Buchanan, a sense of coquettishness as well as a genuine sense of being torn betwixt what is deemed right by society and what is deemed right by her heart.
As well as a feast of leading and supporting talent from its actors, as with any Lurhamann production, scale is everything. The film, from its very opening is a feast for the eyes, the ears, and any other senses we care to employ. The grand parties and the way in which the frenzy and hedonism of the roaring '20s is brought to life is a genuine feat of splendour. As is its soundtrack. Not content with using music confined to the period, Lurhmann employs contemporary music to create a fusion of the '20s glamour with a modern-day feel. With original music from Craig Armstrong, Lurhmann brings out the big guns with inclusions of Florence and the Machine, Lana Del Rey and Beyonce, to name but three! What this gives us is an exciting and fast paced sense of the glamour and the true decadence of the parties depicted in the story.
Now, that is all a lot of praise I must confess. Yet despite being fabulous as it is, it doesn't quite hit perfection. Some of the supporting cast (Isla Fisher, for example) can't quite keep pace with the big guns in the film. Another downside is length. Only a short book, the film approaches nearly two and a half hours, which makes the film feel slightly laboured towards its climax. Knock half an hour off for the DVD and all will be rectified. What Gatsby is though ultimately, is a wonderful piece of escapism. Lurhmann takes us back to a by-gone age of glamour, wealth and over-indulgence that for its two and half hours takes us away from the cares of a stressful 21st century and into a story of great depth, fun, and excitement.